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 signed                  Signed Integer Data Type

    The keyword signed may be applied to the char, short int, int, and
    long int types.  The size (and representation) of a signed type is

      Notes:    In Turbo C++, the size of a signed char is one byte
                and its value ranges from -128 to 127.  Signed short int
                and signed int objects are two bytes and range in value
                from -32768 to 32767.  Signed longs are four bytes, and
                their values range from -2147483648 to 2147483647.  Since
                all the "plain" integer types in Turbo C++ are signed by
                default, the signed keyword is superfluous.

                If signed is used without the keyword int, the int is

                By default, "plain" chars are signed.

                In Turbo C++, a structure bit field may be either signed
                or unsigned. A signed int bitfield one bit wide can hold
                only the values 0 and -1.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           signed char letter;
           signed short int value;
           signed short amount;
           signed int total;
           signed count;

See Also: Type Modifiers char short int unsigned
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson